Cleao and Ryan were just teenagers when they first met at a church event. Like many great relationships, they started out as friends then started dating during their senior year in high school. After leaving for college they continued dating into their sophomore year but eventually separated. “Our families remained well-connected and eventually one of his cousins was getting married and asked me to sing at his wedding. Ryan was his best man and I sang as the bride came down the aisle,” Cleao says. The pair romantically reconnected at the wedding and began dating once again.
Their Harlem Renaissance engagement session is a true reflection of their impending wedding. A picturesque background and era appropriate clothing brought their idea together beautifully. Captured by Shana Mitchell Photography, take a look at Cleao and Ryan’s stunning e-session.
Bride-to-be: Cleao P. Henderson
Groom-to-be: Ryan K. Martin
Wedding date: 09/03/2016
Wedding location: Kapok Special Events and Gardens – Clearwater, FL
Tell us all about the proposal!
At the time, I was living in Philadelphia and he was in Tampa. Dating, at this time in our lives, meant we would eventually marry, so the distance wasn’t of any concern for us. About 5 months after his cousin’s wedding, I was home in Tampa visiting for Thanksgiving. I was also celebrating a good friend’s birthday with a few friends who came to celebrate too. We all dressed in black and rented a private yacht to surprise her. Now, a week before this yacht party was to take place, Ryan’s mom invited me to come to her home for a cabaret party she was hosting. She wanted me to stop by and sing a few songs. I panicked because it was definitely something I wanted to do, but my friend’s surprise yacht birthday party was that same evening. When I shared this conflict with her, she assured me that the party would run late enough for me to stop in and she encouraged me to bring my friends afterwards. I was excited for the fun night ahead! I told my mom and dad about it and they were both wondering why they didn’t get invited to the cabaret. Secretly, playing me — I contacted Ryan’s mom to ensure it would be okay for my parents to come, also. She was completely okay with them attending and seemed excited that they showed interest in coming. Anyhow, fast forward through the yacht party, which was so much fun; Ryan, my friends, and I all went to the cabaret party afterwards.
It never registered that all of his family was present and my parents, little brother (who was home visiting from college), and a couple of my cousins were all there. I was in awe of the warmth I felt in the room and how we walked into a room with our families enjoying this event together — it felt amazing. I went to the mic and sang some songs, then later they asked Ryan to sing. I remember laughing because he didn’t even sing in private, so I knew he’d turn down the request. To my surprise, he agrees to sing… so, immediately, I felt like it was the twilight zone because he completely caught me off guard by going to the mic. They turned his absolute favorite Mos Def song, “The Beggar,” and he actually begins to sing!! He stops mid-se ntence of the first verse and it’s dark in the room, but bright enough for me to make out his silhouette. He’s posing with the microphone and I’m intrigued, waiting to see whether he’s going to finish singing in public. Then, he begins walking toward me and now I’m becoming confused and nervous because I have absolutely NO CLUE what’s happening at that moment. I see the lights from camera phones repositioning themselves in the dark and I’m getting more nervous by the second. Ryan’s standing in front of me and embraces me, so I hug him back — still very confused — and I hear him saying, “it’s now or never… we have to do it.” Then he gets down on one knee, everyone is screaming, and it’s still not clicking for me!! He apparently had to ask twice, but I honestly do not recall the first time he asked. I was in such shock with what was happening, how it was all happening, and it was truly taking a minute to soak in. When I finally understood that I was being proposed to, I completely fell apart, did the ugly cry, and said yes. Ha! It was an amazing night that matched our amazing journey we took to get here.
What did you do on your first date?
I would tell you that our first date was my senior prom, but Ryan would probably say something different.
What’s your favorite thing to do as a couple?
Travel, watch movies, and eat sushi.
How has wedding planning been so far?
It is A LOT but it’s going well so far. We are getting closer and closer to the big day, and I feel like I am really getting things done. Feeling accomplished.
Tell us what you’re looking forward to most on the wedding day.
I’m looking forward to saying our vows and our first dance as husband and wife.
Photographer – Shana Mitchell Photography
That last photo is so touching.
We missed the part where he cheated on his girlfriend of two years at the time of the wedding but the pics are alright.
You are almost correct troll. When I was nineteen, I Ryan Kristofer Martin (the man featured in above photos), cheated on my girlfriend at the time Cleao P Henderson( the woman featured in above photos). She Found forgiveness in her heart; She is a great navigator. I love her so much. I’ll protect her with my life. If you have any further issues or concerns come see me ….. Please I beg of you. I’m the one you want.
I’ll be at the wedding bro.
You proud of being an adulterer? Chairman Henderson isn’t thrilled about that …
Good luck.
Theme reminds me of someone that you used to know.
Awwww!!! What a beautiful proposal! Love it!!!
I love love love your pictures
Reads to me like Greenslade was in a hurry, so he did the minimum.Lots of bloggers, including yourself, do a better job than lots of pros. As a recovering journalist of 35 years, I also agree with Francis: Editrr/publisheos get what they pay for (or don't pay for). And many journalists research and write more than one piece a day, so some work gets the professionalism, some gets the laziness. Laziness also being a journalistic trait.
Aplpaentry this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout.
My dear, Cleao!! These beautiful pictures perfectly capture the love shared between you and Ryan. People will search high and low for this kind of love. Let no evil spirit or hate filled words distract you from what is real. I love you, adore you, and cannot wait to be front and center are the union of the Hendersons & Martins.
The hostess with the mostess,
It’s a plseaure to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly
That moment when love looks warm and FIERCE at the same time!!! Beautiful pictures. Gorgeous couple ❤️
Non amo il 3D. Ergo ho scelto deliberatamente di fregarmene anche perché qui a torino sale adatte al 48fps non ne abbiamo.Ergo me lo sono goB.Eo.delloutpico.Per nulla noioso nonostante le tre ore di film.M’è piaciuto talmente che me lo sono scaricato e rivisto.E riconfermo il totale gradimento.Come scritto altrove, mi uguro che inizi a girare presto il Silmarillion.
These photos are absolutely gorgeous! ❤️ Can I hang one in my house? Lol
Snatched! Just beautiful. I wish you both a life filed with love and positivity. So happy and proud of you both!
May God continue to bless and keep you! You are blessed and highly favored! Remember to keep God first in this union. You two are beautiful…inside and outside. I love you both and look forward to celebrating your special day with you. Here’s to a lifelong union filled with peace, joy and love.
OMG!!!!! You two are cover page material. I love it!!!
ØV, det er SÅ ærtreligg, når de ændrer et produkt, man er glad for. :/ Skod!Uhh, det lyder godt. :) Jeg har også ok længde på mine vipper, så den vil jeg skrive på listen over produkter, jeg skal prøve. :)
Love has it’s trials and isn’t perfect but when something is meant to be you can’t stop that. When two hearts are meant to be, NOTHING, will stop that. Now Slay on you two! Slay on! Can’t wait for the wedding! I especially can’t wait for my beautiful nieces and nephews that come from this union either! Love you two sooooooo much!!!!!!
Wow Ryan. One day you’ll come clean. Why are you still stringing this poor girl along? Yikes. Cleao run for the hills.
This is a really inlnetiglet way to answer the question.