Some of us women have rehearsed our “big day” over and over in our heads since we were little girls. We imagine our knight in shining armour, our perfect dress, and some of us even know how many tiers high the cake will be. No matter what your fantasy has been there is no way that in the middle of your daydream you look in the mirror and see that you have dull skin or even worse, acne! Of all days, the day you commit yourself to loving someone forever is not the day to have bad skin. The truth is weddings can be stressful, so you have to take extra care of yourself leading up to the day to ensure that you are healthy and happy, and that your skin reflects that. Here are a few tips you can incorporate in your lifestyle leading up your wedding day to cultivate that healthy glow.
1. Juicing
If you have never tried it, juicing fresh, preferably organic fruits and vegetables can do wonders for your skin and body. In addition to assisting you lose the few extra pounds you need gone to fit comfortably into your dream dress, juicing will give you a glow that all your guests will be murmuring about. A great way to get in juice is first thing in the morning every day. If you want to up the ante, you can do a three day liquid juice fast. If you go this route it’s important to come down off the fast slowly, and also to incorporate colon cleansing during the fast. You will feel lighter, more relaxed, and your skin will get a lovely boost.
2. Eat Whole Unprocessed Foods
You know that age old saying you are what you eat? Well the wise one’s do not lie! If you choose to eat packaged chips, sodas, sweets, you are not giving yourself the nutrition your body needs, and your skin will pay for it. Try as much as possible to eat whole foods, and mostly plant based foods, and you will see a remarkable difference. It’s all about eating food that is fresh, from nature, as organic as possible. If you don’t want to look like something that came out of a can or package, don’t eat it. If you are a meat-eater, pay attention to where your meat is coming from. Is it organic and grass-fed or pumped with hormones? These details make a big difference in the health of your skin.
3. Get Your Omega-3’s
Omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce inflammation in the body, and thus are beneficial for warding off skin conditions like acne. Our Western diets are dangerously devoid of omega-3 and this causes imbalances leading to all kinds of stress related diseases and also skin conditions. If you are a meat-eater, get a good quality fish oil. Vegans and vegetarians find a DHA algae based omega-3. This kind is superior to flaxseed oil because it is already in a form that can easily be assimilated by the body with no translation needed. Beyond helping keep your skin clear, omega-3’s can improve brain functioning and help you stress-less.
4. Take a Chill Pill
I know you can’t decide on the floral arrangements, Aunty Ray Ray keeps calling about seating at the reception, and your mother, is well, being your mother. Things can get stressful. The thing is, you do not want the stress of logistics to take away from your revelry in how amazing this whole process is. You are finally turning in your single badge. No more wailing, double dating, internet profile scoping, blind dating, or bonding over failed relationships. You’ve got your man. So relax. In addition to regular exercise which is the number one stress-reliever, try to get in some mindfulness practices like yoga, meditation, and daily prayer. Even a massage can do wonders. The last thing you need on your glorious day is for the stress of it all to make you break out or eat something you regret. No matter how stressful the day, find your moment to breathe in gratitude. The peace you find will definitely radiate from you.
5. Clean Your Colon
The colon is your body’s sewage system. When your colon gets backed up, it leads to a myriad of conditions including acne. If you are feeling sluggish or have a bad breakout, it may be time for a colon cleanse. There are things you can find at your local health food stores to take like psyllium husk, or you can do salt water flushes. If you have an otherwise healthy colon, colon hydrotherapy or colonics, do wonders. These sessions allow one gallon or more of water to flow through the colon and help push away waste that may have been lurking in there for a long while. The safest sessions to receive are gravity method treatments where the purified water sits above the treatment table and flows down using gravity and not a machine. It’s very important to ensure that you have no growths in the colon or other colon issues before taking this route. If you are well, a colonic will assist you in keeping your skin clear and also boost your mood and energy.
6. Stay Hydrated
Water is essential for staying healthy, for moving waste out of the body, and for maintaining great skin. Although you may think that any water will do, the quality of the water you drink can greatly affect your health. Nowadays most bottled water is glorified tap water in disguise. It’s important to do research on the brands you drink to ensure that your water is the purest possible. Vapor distilled, reverse osmosis, and alkaline waters are all far superior to tap because they are bacteria and pathogen-free. Setting up an in-home water purification system is ideal and most cost effective long term, but you can also sometimes find health food stores that will sell reverse osmosis water or even alkaline water from machines by the gallon. Be sure to find your best source and drink throughout the day. Your skin will thank you.
About the Author
Esosa Edosomwan
Esosa Edosomwan is a raw vegan lifestyle expert. After receiving an undergraduate degree from Cornell University and completing business studies at Columbia University, her personal health crises and battle with acne led her to change her lifestyle…
ON THE BLOG: 6 Simple Ways to Have Glowing Skin After You Say I Do
Raw Girl Blog Post for @munaluchibride —> 6 Simple Ways to Have Glowing Skin After You Say I Do
RT @EsosaE: My first blog post for @munaluchibride is up! :) —-> 6 Simple Ways to Have Glowing Skin After You Say I Do
6 Simple Ways to Have Glowing Skin After You Say I Do via @munaluchibride
6 Simple Ways to Have Glowing Skin After You Say I Do via @munaluchibride
Want to keep that “wedding glow” after you say your “i do’s”? Here are 6 simple ways you can: #skincare #weddingtips
Good advice for any day, 6 Simple Ways to Have Glowing Skin After You Say I Do via @munaluchiBride
RT @aKurantEvent: Good advice for any day, 6 Simple Ways to Have Glowing Skin After You Say I Do via @munaluchiBride
RT @aKurantEvent: Good advice for any day, 6 Simple Ways to Have Glowing Skin After You Say I Do via @munaluchiBride
nice tips. gonna follow it.