Robin and Chris initially met in 2008 during Christmas break as the birthday celebration of a mutual friend. The sparks flew that evening and they exchanged numbers, but were living in two different cities at the time for college. Keeping in touch from time to time, it wasn’t until 2012 that they truly reconnected and went on their first date. That evening would set them on the path to inseparable ever after…
Continue reading all about Robin & Chris’ love story, holiday proposal, and wedding aspirations, in their stylish Atlanta made engagement – beautifully captured by MunaLuchi Coterie member Andre Brown Photography.
Bride & Groom-to-be: Robin & Chris
Occupations: Clinical Research Associate & IT Operations Systems SR. Advisor
Engagement Session Location: Atlanta, GA
Wedding Date: 09/05/2019
Wedding Venue: SummerOur studio
How did you meet? We met in 2008 when I was home from college for Christmas break. Chris and my mutual friend invited us both out for a birthday celebration. Chris claims he bought me a expensive drink and I only had two sips but I don’t remember that part! We exchanged numbers that night but we lived in two separate cities. Chris would hit me up every blue moon to see how I was doing but we never saw each other again until 2012. We went on a first date and had a blast! We both moved back to Atlanta in 2014 and four years later, we’ve been INSEPARABLE ever since!
Tell us about your first date. I knew from our first date, that Chris and I were meant for each other. Chris took me to a Drake concert. We had so much fun at the concert that we didn’t want the night to end. Afterwards we went to one of our favorite hole-in-the-wall seafood spots; Spondivits, then to the club. What Chris forgot to tell me was his MBA graduation was the next morning at 8am, and here we were partying! Needless to say, he blamed me for him being late the next day!
Tell us about the proposal Chris proposed at our holiday party on December 22, 2017. Chris was so pressed to have a holiday party and I couldn’t understand why! I kept trying to get us out of hosting this party but he insisted and said he would do the planning. He made most of the food and invited our family and friends over. At the beginning of the party he announced he had something to say before he blessed the food. That’s when he said a beautiful speech and got down on one knee and proposed!
Tell us about your engagement session. We chose a couple of different locations for our shoot. We are both from Atlanta and knew we had to incorporate Atlanta somewhere in our shoot so we chose the “Atlanta Made” sign. Chris and I love to travel so we knew we wanted a location that reminded us of another country. One of our favorite places is Paris so we knew the Millennial Gate Museum was Atlanta’s own Paris. Lastly we wanted a few sexy and fun pictures so we chose our friend’s dope apartment lobby.
We wanted our shoot to represent who we are as individuals and a couple. Our casual portion represented Atlanta and our two amazing alma maters, Howard and Morehouse. They made us who we are today. We also wanted to incorporate elegance, a little bit of sexy, and our love for travel.
What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Travel, concerts, trying new restaurants, and going to the movies.
What are you most looking forward to about your wedding? Celebrating with all of our family and friends under one roof!
What is the best wedding advice you can give to engaged couples? Make sure to have fun and enjoy this time together! Hire a wedding planner to not let the wedding planning stress you out!
Photography: Andre Brown Photography
Wedding Planner: Events by Mesita
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