They say the most memorable night for any high school student is senior prom night. And for Antia, it would be the night that she’d meet the love of her life. But their story didn’t exactly begin quite like a fairytale. “After prom a couple of friends and I went to a diner to eat. At the diner were some friends of a friend and Gary was one of them” shares Antia. The group chowed down diner style and headed in their separate directions home. Though Antia wouldn’t see Gary again for almost a month, her best-friend later spilled the tea that Gary had been asking about her all night. “He says he thought I was so beautiful and he loved my style – so I guess that explained the staring all night!” laughs Antia.
After a few months, the pair began dating and would remain a couple for 3 years. But as life sometimes has it, the two would also split for a total of 3 years after that. During their separation, the two took time to separately mature but true love always has a way of finding it’s way back. And again, they found their way back into each others lives and have now been dating for almost two years.
Fast forwarding to March 2016, Antia planned a surprise birthday party for Gary, complete with a jam session for his musician friends – but little did she know she’d be the party in for the real surprise. “After we sang Happy Birthday to Gary his best-friend comes up to me with another cake that read ‘Will you marry me?”. I was still so unaware of what was going on but then it clicked! When I turned around Gary was standing there with a guitarist and a singer, I could not believe what was happening and I was so shocked!” says Antia.
Next, Antia’s fairytale came full circle. Gary proceeded to get in formation and got on one knee to ask Antia to be his bride. “I’m still shocked about it today. He knows that I love surprise’s and he made sure that this one would top them all” says Antia.
In celebration of their upcoming nuptials, the two shot this epic Brooklyn Love Story engagement session in various areas of New York City, with coterie member, Stanley Babb of Stanlo Photography. Check out the amazing visuals below while reading more on their love story!
Bride-to-Be: Antia Joseph
Groom-to-Be: Gary Coach Jr.
Occupations: Antia: Singer/Songwriter & Gary: Musician & Producer
Wedding date: 5/5/17
Wedding location: TBD! (But the pair is planning for a rustic/fun wedding!)
Engagement shoot location: Brooklyn, NY (Dumbo, Clinton Hills) & Central Park (Manhattan, NY)
Describe your engagement session. Did you have a theme?
Our engagement session just represents who we are individually and together. It was fun & spontaneous. Since music is also a big part of our lives we incorporated that as well. We also got to reenact one of our earlier dates at the Central Park Boathouse. It was a blast to shoot in Brooklyn and at some of our favorite NYC spots – not to mention Stanley is an amazing photographer!
What did you do on your first date?
Antia: Ha! So the first date almost didn’t happen because i was a couple of hours late – so bad! I cant even remember why I was that late (which Gary later reminded her that her tardiness was due to her being at a photo shoot) but Gary waited around. We were supposed to go out to eat but we had to go to a diner on 14th street because the restautraunt was closed. On the first date I actually spilled water on Gary’s phone – yeah I know, charming!
What’s your favorite thing to do as a couple?
As much as we love to eat, we would say that performing together and making music together is our absolute favorite thing to do. To be able to create with the one you’re created for is an awesome feeling.
How has wedding planning been so far?
Antia: We haven’t started planning yet!!
Tell us what you’re looking forward to most on the wedding day
Antia: The answer Gary wanted to give might be more appropriate for the wedding NIGHT! (the pair is practicing abstinence). But, all jokes aside, to finally be joined together as one and to be able to share that moment with our loved ones.
Photographer: Stanley Babb, Stanlo Photography
This is my FAVORITE! I love the style!
Beautiful! The couple and the photography very nice. May your marriage be blessed!
Seriously love this couples style!
Very impressive, fun loving,urban Chic….
Wowza! I love, love this shoot. The couple are so to die for as an ideal client. Very chic and retro. Wishing them a beautiful life together