Win a Free Lillian West Wedding Gown This month we will be giving away one Lillian West wedding gown and these gorgeous Minoa Bee Earrings from We Dream in Colour. Entry into the giveaway is easy. Simply follow @bylillianwest, @munaluchibride on Instagram. Look out for the giveaway post. On that post tag one of your […]
Small Business Saturday Wedding Deals
Many small businesses in the wedding industry have been severely affected by shutdowns due to the COVID pandemic. What better way to show support than by shopping small? Here’s a roundup of small businesses offering weekend deals for Small Business Saturday. Save 15% on Bridal Makeup – Offered by Felicia Graham Makeup Beauty Get 10% […]
Interview with Wedding Gown Designer Laurie Underwood of Laury Bride
Your bridal style should be unique, chic, customizable, and a true reflection of your personality. This is the mindset that MunaLuchi Coterie member and wedding dress designer Laurie Underwood of Laury Bride brings to the gorgeous pieces she creates. The former Project Runway contestant is pushing the boundaries of traditional “bridal” fashion by creating designs that […]
Celebrating 10 Years of Diversity in the Wedding Industry
For us, by us A surprise photoshoot for the Founders of MunaLuchi Bride, to celebrate the company’s 10 year anniversary milestone celebrating diversity in the wedding industry. As seen in the Spring/Summer 2020 Issue. What started out as an abstract idea has flourished into a multimedia empire. Chike and Jacqueline Nwobu, Founders of MunaLuchi Bride, […]
Black Girls Rock the Wedding & Event Industry
At MunaLuchi Bride, we’ve championed diversity in the wedding industry, from showcasing beautiful black love and weddings to promoting the talented black wedding and event professionals who help our couples celebrate so fabulously. In recognition of black wedding industry professionals, and in particular black female professionals, Falynn Love with Flawless Weddings & Events organized this […]
Top 5 Unique Engagement Ring Trends for 2020
Engagement rings are a symbol of your undying devotion, commitment, and love, but they should also reflect your personality and style. Recently we’ve seen couples step out of the box by selecting unique engagement ring designs that reflect their diverse aesthetics. Today, we’ve partnered with Taylor & Hart to share the top engagement ring trends […]
The Spring/Summer 2020 Issue featuring MAJOR. is Live!
The Spring/Summer 2020 issue of MunaLuchi Bride Magazine featuring Grammy-nominated recording artist MAJOR. is live! In an exclusive interview, MAJOR. and his fiance Nichelle share their moving love story and their exciting wedding plans. In this issue, you’ll find up-to-date advice from our team of preferred wedding vendors on how to plan your wedding during […]
The Spring/Summer 2020 Cover featuring MAJOR.
Can’t stop love He’s been serenading couples for years and his hit song “This is Why I Love You” has surpassed 103 million views on Youtube. Grammy-nominated recording artist MAJOR. has found his “Why I Love You” and we couldn’t be happier to share their love story with you. With all that has been going on over […]
Bridging the Gap: Upcoming Webinars on Racial Disparities in the Wedding and Events Industry
First COVID-19 shattered our world, businesses, and plans for 2020. Then more multiple senseless killings of black men and women with no justice in sight. We don’t know about you, but we are drained. Many of these injustices in our society filter down to our everyday lives, and into our businesses. The wedding industry has […]
#MunaCares: Why We Launched MunaLuchi
Time for reflection I’ve heard people describing COVID-19 as the ultimate equalizer. I’d rather describe it as the ultimate distributor of humility. We all became real humble, real quick. Things that were important pre-COVID seem vain and unnecessary now. And things that were taken for granted are now revered. Like meaningful friendships, celebrating small and […]
Something New: Introducing The MunaNetwork
COMMUNITY is not cancelled. 📢 So we built a network just for you. ✨ The MunaTeam has been communicating with you on social and via email and understand more than ever that what is truly needed during these times is COMMUNITY. There isn’t a more important time to find common ground with people who get […]
Bridesmaids Dresses for the Modern Bridal Party
Bridemaids dresses re-imagined. Tired of the same old bridesmaids dresses in the same generic colors? Time to get inspired! We have an exciting partnership to announce. has been a longtime partner of MunaLuchi so we are super excited to present their new bridesmaids collection, Lovely Bridesmaids, with you. The chic collection features 15 […]