Father’s Day is the day where we celebrate all of the amazing dad’s around the country. It’s the day where we honor them for the lessons they’ve taught us over the years and thank them for doing a great job of raising us. On the wedding day, emotions run high as father’s remember their daughters when they were little girls and brides remember all of the special moments shared with their fathers. When a father sees his daughter all dressed up in her wedding gown, as he walks her down the aisle, and lastly, dances with her during the father-daughter dance, it can be extremely touching for them and even for some of us. I typically cry during the father-daughter dance because the songs chosen always tug at my heart strings! Today, on Father’s Day, I wanted to share some of my favorite Pinterest pins that captured these heart-tugging moments between a father and his daughter and a few momentos that sum up the moment.
Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads out there!
Source: huff.to via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: junebugweddings.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: weddingsiniowa.blogspot.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: theemerics.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: etsy.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: 28.media.tumblr.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: iloveswmag.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: brides.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: reachli.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: jennysunblog.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: michellehayesphotos.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: bamberphotography.net via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: pepperwedding.blogspot.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Source: blog.favoritephotography.com via Enraptured on Pinterest
Hehe der tenkte vi visst pÃ¥ det samme. SÃ¥ skjønne bilder av dyrene, og sÃ¥ herlig at pus og Luke gÃ¥r sÃ¥ fint sammen. Vi har hatt flere andre dyr sammen med vÃ¥r firbente, sÃ¥ han gÃ¥r fint med alle slags dyr, til og med ha.sÃermt˜nsker deg en fin helg :)Klem T