For some folks, the thought of living together before marriage is the most sensible thing to do, while for others, living together before marriage can decrease your chances of marriage leading to separation or divorce
Question: So ladies, Can you have your cake and eat it too? what do you think? Is living together preparation or just ‘playing house’?
Just playing house. People worry about the “contract” they have to sign. What they should focus on is the committment issues they have and the vows they need to make to each other before God who incidentally instituted marriage.
Totally playing house. If you have confidence in your relationship and God, then theres no need to “test the waters” before marriage.
I live with my boyfriend and I love it! I honestly feel that what is meant to be will be regardless of the position you place yourself into now. I do believe you must have a mutual understanding of what is expected going into moving in together, meaning you should definitely have “the talk” before hand. I have no complaints :)