Deal-breakers. We all have them when it comes to choosing a man, those things that tell us in an instant, nope, this isn’t the guyfor me.
Question: So ladies, just what is it that makes us decide there will be no date number two? Or, more importantly, date number three, with a particular guy?
photo courtesy of bellanaija
ON THE BLOG: Question of the Day: Ladies, what makes a man ‘undateable’?
Bad breath Ladies!
BAD Breath…Question of the Day: Ladies, what makes a man ‘undateable’? via @munaluchibride
QOTD: RT @Eronmwon_MBM BAD Breath…Question of the Day: Ladies, what makes a man ‘undateable’? via @munaluchibride
if he’s pshycho it’s a no go
Religion fanatic a no no
Being fake, being a control freak and lies.
Smoking!!! I don’t care how fine you are… If you don’t respect your own body, you won’t respect me.