Your bridesmaids will agree that the most meaningful and lasting gesture is being asked to fill such an important role on your wedding day. However, They’re your girls and most importantly, your bridesmaids and it is customary (and fun) to give each of your bridesmaids a thank-you present from the heart.
Question: What’s a great gift to give your bridesmaids?
photo courtesy of rhphotoarts
Vanessa Lee on Facebook
I say something small and chic like a small Coach keychain or clutch….or a bag-o-goodies, lotions,potions, a little giftcards, and a small piece of nice chocolate. This, of course, coming from someone whose never been married, and hence, has had no bridesmaids. LOL
Tosha Muhammad on Facebook
Jewelry for the wedding is enough.
Candace Hammy on Facebook
Jewelry or a nice gift basket of smell goods….
Shania Elliott on Facebook
Yes tosha jewelry and a bath &body set
Vivian Sims on Facebook
I gave my bridemaids jewelry!!
Reallyoutthistime Yep on Facebook
sliver salt and pepper shakers engraved..or gold..or diamond earrings oprah style
Tonya Milton on Facebook
I had a fabulous make-up artist, Steven ColeColors Coleman do my makeup, so my gift to my girls was to have him do their makeup too for the wedding. They loved it!!!! Everyone looked beautiful!
Amber Marshall on Facebook
Jewelry is great !
Jacqueline Hartzog on Facebook
I nice clutch that I saw that had rhinstones all over it.
Lunia Cassandra Msuku on Facebook
Clutch & Jewelry sounds good. I appreciate the ideas
Deborah Polidore-Holder on Facebook
I gave my bridesmaids a good pair of shoes before they hit the market and jewelry.
Chelsea Joyful Praiser Boyd on Facebook
Can’t go wrong with some bbw or vs fragrances.