Jewel and Jason Watson have been on a wonderfully amazing journey together for 6 years: the journey of marriage. To celebrate, they enlisted ace photographer, Joshua Dwain of Joshua Dwain Photography and boy, did he deliver! The beautiful couple was styled for the shoot by Shantini Alleyne, who also did Jewel’s makeup.With such a gorgeous couple, amazing scenery in Battery Park City, NY, and a wonderful story of love, 6 years of marriage never looked so good :)
The Meeting ….. “We grew up in the same church in Brooklyn so we have known each other since we were teenagers. We were friends for a long time and then started dating during Jewel’s senior year of high school. We attended prom together and have been inseparable ever since.”
She knew he was “the one” because ….. “I try to learn from other people’s mistakes and I have heard a lot of women talk about regretting the man they passed over. Even as a teenager, I realized that Jason was very different from any guy I had ever liked. He was not “flashy” or gregarious but I knew that he would be the one that I would regret. I decided that he was the man that would be the most compatible with my future. I am glad that I followed my spirit because I couldn’t have made a better decision.”
He knew she was “the one” because ….. “Before Jewel and I started dating I had already come to the conclusion that she had a good head on her shoulders. Even though she is a few years younger than me, she had always impressed me with how much wisdom she showed. But it was really on our first date that I knew we had found something special. We talked for hours about what we wanted out of life, the kind of people we wanted to be, and the family we wanted to build. When I realized that our values and goals matched, I knew.”
Celebrating with an anniversary shoot ….. “Initially, we were going to do a photo shoot to celebrate the milestone of our 5th anniversary but it didn’t work out. We are both attorneys and our schedules just didn’t afford us the time to do the photo shoot that year. So instead of waiting for another milestone, we decided to make our own milestone and do it for our 6th. Our reason for doing the photo shoot was to capture our love so that in the coming years we can look back and find joy in the memories the photos reflect. We also wanted our children to be able to see what their parents’ love looked like before they came along. We both really treasure photographs of our parents when they were young, so we wanted to make sure that we preserve things that reflect our love.”
The Most Important Elements for a Successful Marriage ….. “Picking the right mate by being honest about what really matters; making sure that we cultivate our friendship; allowing each other space; being intentional about loving each other by making time for each other, remaining aware of each other’s needs, and making the effort to meet those needs; and having a higher authority that we both believe in (for us, God).”
{Amazing Discoveries}
She discovered … “I can honestly say that Jason has proven to be the man I thought he would be. He is a man of substance and integrity. He is the one person in my life that I am sure will catch me if I fall (and I am not an easy woman to catch).”
He discovered … “Because Jewel is a very strong-willed person, I was surprised by her ability and willingness to compromise. Our relationship has required both of us to grow and change, but I really appreciate Jewel’s ability and willingness to love me the way I want to be loved. Jewel understands that neither she nor I is perfect and we continually try to get better at loving each other.”
{You Make Loving You So Easy}
He loves … “Jewel and I have so much fun together. Whether we are just at home watching a movie or reality television or on vacation or out with friends, we genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Our friendship makes the rest of our relationship that much easier.”
She loves … “Jason and I have created a safe, loving, and supportive home life. My home is a sanctuary from the world because of him. I know that when I come home I will be loved, I will be comforted, and I have nothing to fear.”