At the start of our journey in September of last year, I promised to dish it to you, as it was to me. I promised to share my tales up and down grumpy old MTA buses, trains and automobiles.
In the last few months, I have most certainly shared my stories and those of storied girlfriends here in the City. Who can forget Mr. LA, Cringe, or Kevin? How about Keisha and Sean, my adventures to a summer BBQ in Brooklyn or the sultry red-headed crooner that had me serenaded in a New York minute? Not to mention tales of FoodExing food across the country.
Alas! Life’s experiences take a detour. With that, I must let you know that Flow is going on a hiatus. I’d like to thank all the readers for being extremely loyal in such a short period of time. I have also been deeply touched by your candid views and the comments left in my mailbox; please keep those coming!
I hope to come back rejuvenated and packed with punch.
Until next time… Xoxo Flow Eezy, Flow with love [divider] Single in the City was a weekly feature exploring the random musings and weekly escapades of a single black girl in the city. Call me Flow Eezy, an eternal hopeful, a perpetual believer that maybe, just maybe, I could meet that guy: Smart, funny, articulate and principled. I wonder if I am a member of a dying breed, in this age of the booty call. As we meander through these post-recessionary times, one thing is clear; dating in New York is hard. And harder when you have values, never mind morals. But I am holding out! I’m not perfect, far from it… [divider] [fancy_link link=”” variation=”teal” target=”blank”]View Previous “Single in the City” posts…[/fancy_link] [divider]
oh noooo i’m gonna miss my monthly fix of Single in the city. But i truly understand do you girl.