Flying High with Sean
Sean breezed through New York for a day, en route to Frankfurt. It was the most amazing and down-to-earth 24 hours, I could ever have hoped for. I arrived at JFK airport around 11a.m. to greet him, even after he insisted he’d meet me in the City. I wanted to make our reunion memorable and so I trucked myself to JFK, a good 45-minute hike from the City. He was well worth it.
Is there anything like a man in uniform? He looked even more handsome than I remembered – a classic page from a GQ Magazine. Man in uniform, sunglasses and a drop dead gorgeous smile. I totally melted as I ran into his arms, I really did. I was so gloriously happy to see him, as he was to see me. As we lingered in each other’s arms, he took off his shades, looked me in the eye and just smiled. I was beside myself, grinning from ear-to-ear.
Our time together would be short. We literarily had 24 hours before he would have to fly out again. Back in the City, we had brunch reservations at Beauty and Essex, one of my faves on the lower east side of Manhattan. He was such a gentleman, taking the time to pull out my chair, attending to my every whim and just generally being present. We started off with the lemon ricotta pancakes and finished with the chocolate bread pudding – oh yummy it was! Shortly after 2 p.m., we shared a cab, first making a stop in mid-town at Sean’s hotel. Sean needed to take a nap since just he arrived earlier, from an overnight flight. I then continued uptown to my home.
I returned to Sean’s hotel around 6 p.m. As I walked out of the elevator on the 19th floor and towards his room, there he was, waiting for me…charming as ever. I looked simple, elegant and chic. Barely there makeup, a fresh dose of Amazone parfum by Hermès and simple teardrop earrings. I had on a pair of deep blue low-rider jeans, paired with a cream sweater, and finished off with some wicked 4 and a half inch Balenciaga knee-high boots. He took one look at me, and scooped me up. “Welcome my love”, he cooed into my ears.
We lounged in his room, ordered room service and watched a movie. Our evening together was super low-key, and perfect. I had no desire and felt no need, to get all “dolled up” for a glamorous night out. Rather, we enjoyed the precious moments of warm conversation, and getting to know each other. No “fakery” no pretentious attitude. Sean is refreshing.
For now, I am flying high with Sean, and enjoying every bit of it. While I’m excited about the prospects, I would be completely disingenuous, if I did not share my concerns. My biggest concern is the distance. He is a pilot – Here today, gone tomorrow kind of thing. I’m concerned about how much we can sustain this new romance. I worry that our dates will be staged episodic rendezvous, where we are at our best behaviors. Really, how do you get to know someone you hardly ever see? Do you have an experience you could share? Post me a comment on the highs and lows of your experience in a long-distance relationship.
Xoxo Flow Eezy, Flow with love photo: KBobb Photography [divider] Single in the City is a weekly feature exploring the random musings and weekly escapades of a single black girl in the city. Call me Flow Eezy, an eternal hopeful, a perpetual believer that maybe, just maybe, I could meet that guy: Smart, funny, articulate and principled. I wonder if I am a member of a dying breed, in this age of the booty call. As we meander through these post-recessionary times, one thing is clear; dating in New York is hard. And harder when you have values, never mind morals. But I am holding out! I’m not perfect, far from it… PREVIOUS “SINGLE IN THE CITY” POSTS… ?
Another great story, I can’t get enough of your stories. Have you ever though about writing a book if you haven’t already.
Great Stuff Enjoy your work!
Hi Erica,
Thanks for your encouraging feedback! Some of my experiences are super-fun and easy to share. Others are so miserable….alas, the ups and downs of being single in the city. Have a great day.
When i read you work,it’s like I’m there seeing all as it happens,the words just jump out right in my face and they come alive,the atmosphere,the colors,the makeup,perfume,everything ..another nice piece,keep it up..
Hi Vic,
I’m so glad you find my experiences and those of friends that I share, relatable. I guess we all go through the same thing, but in different cities and places. Keep on reading…
I absolutely love your posts! I would agree with the other comments in saying that your words truly become picturesque when reading.
As far as long-distance relationships, like you say there are pros and cons. Anticipation would be the pro and lack of stability would be the biggest con. I think if two individuals are equally committed to one another, the relationship will bloom, living 2 minutes or 20 hours away.
2 minutes or 20 hours away….now, that’s food for thought.
Thanks Danika
Yes….and happy!
Yep, and now we’ve been married for 2.5 years!
Yes, it’s been going strong for seven years. Should be proposing soon…I hope… Lol
Yes….and happy!
Yep, and now we’ve been married for 2.5 years!
Yes, it’s been going strong for seven years. Should be proposing soon…I hope… Lol