Is He Worth Begging For – Pride Vs. Humility? (Checkmate Series)
Source: via Jackie on Pinterest
It has been several weeks since the Keesha and Kevin debacle ran loose in Brooklyn. However, it’s also a new year. And with a new year, comes good tidings, an ounce of forgiveness, and every now and again, new beginnings.
A new beginning for this duo has not come easy. Keesha spent the last month begging Kevin, every day. I have never seen miss high-and-mighty morph into a humble pie so quickly. She wrote him love letters, sent him emails and went to his house several times. Each time she showed up at his house, Kevin would not even look at her, let alone let her in his house. Still, she persisted. In her crusade to win this man back, she recruited an army of “Beggars”, including his best friend, two sisters and mom. She even went as far as showing up at his work place, just in hopes that he would give her the time of the day. Kevin, being a sly fox, politely asked Keesha to step out of the office with him. Happily, she walked towards his car, thinking they were going somewhere. Instead, Kevin took her on a fast paced, ice-cold walk around the block and proceeded to let her know she could not just show up unannounced. With that, he walked away, leaving Keesha at the subway station in tears. You had to feel sorry for her…
The following weekend, a friend of theirs hosted a holiday party. Naturally, when you date someone for a period of time, you end up having mutual friends, such that even if the relationship ends, it’s almost impossible to sever all ties. Keesha arrived at the party fully prepared and fully aware that Kevin would probably be there.
She arrived at the party alone, and without a date! This was a “come clean” calculated move on her part. She figured, she could show up with a “date” and it could either make Kevin jealous, or totally backfire and undermine all her efforts of trying to appease him. Also, she decided that if she was going to do this, it had to be the hard and honest way. Still, as every lady should, she had a few tricks up her sleeve.
First, she wore his favorite perfume – L’Heure Bleue by Guerlain. She dawned on a gorgeously sexy, super tight purple dress; She finished off with studded diamond earrings and a charm bracelet, all gifts from Kevin. Her message was loud and clear, Kevin, on the inside, Kevin on the outside. Kevin, Kevin, Kevin. In an ironic twist of words, the translation of L’Heure Bleaue is “the suspended hour” a time when one moves into harmony with their space. Well, Keesha sure was looking to move into harmony with Kevin that night.
Unsure of what to expect, Keesha, walked into the party with her last ounce of courage. After settling in and scouting around, she concluded that Kevin was not at the party. Out of nowhere, a familiar voice said, “hello Keesha”. She managed a smile and quickly excused herself. Stunned beyond belief, Kevin was there with another woman. Keesha found herself in the bathroom having a complete meltdown. She eventually pulled herself together and returned to the party. Little did she know how much damage she had done in that dress, the perfume and the altogether striking look.
Kevin was blowing up her phone from about 1 a.m. till almost 6 in the morning. Tired and feeling defeated, Keesha, switched off her ringer when she got home. She woke up to nine voicemails and several text messages from Kevin. Now, he was doing the begging.
Here is where Keesha nailed it. First of all, I’m so proud of her because she did not go to her old ways and try to play games. Her humility finally paid off. She and Kevin met for brunch late morning and had the conversation. Lesson learned: for every heart that hardens as stone, there is a soft lining. A hefty dose of the humble pie trumps a prideful and lonely ending. Today, they are back together. Somebody shout wedding bells….more to come.
Xoxo Flow Eezy, Flow with love [divider] Single in the City is a weekly feature exploring the random musings and weekly escapades of a single black girl in the city. Call me Flow Eezy, an eternal hopeful, a perpetual believer that maybe, just maybe, I could meet that guy: Smart, funny, articulate and principled. I wonder if I am a member of a dying breed, in this age of the booty call. As we meander through these post-recessionary times, one thing is clear; dating in New York is hard. And harder when you have values, never mind morals. But I am holding out! I’m not perfect, far from it… [divider] [fancy_link link=”” variation=”teal” target=”blank”]Previous “Single in the City” posts…[/fancy_link] [divider]
“Wedding Bells” Theres nothing better than getting back together. I’m happy for Keesha. I truly hope that Kevin forgives her and not bring up the wrong she’s done in the past. If you forgive forgive entirely. GReat Story.
I LOVE the two thumb prints formed to make a heart!!!
I love this story!! I was in Keesha’s place before however, didn’t work out so well…. But I am glad that the method can work!!
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I LOVE the two thumb prints formed to make a heart!!!