Stood Up on Christmas Eve
(The Cat and Mouse Series)

This holiday season, like every other one in New York, is packed with tourists, lights and lots of action. Weaving through bustling traffic and herds of impatient pedestrians on 5th Avenue is no small accomplishment, but I did. I made my way across fifth to Madison Avenue (a much more sane passage way) to Barneys. There, I picked up a bottle of Vetiver Extraordinaire, a highly celebrated parfum created by Dominique Ropion, a gift for my new love.
Next, I went on a mad dash for the quintessential red dress. One would think that finding a long red dress, at the peak of the holiday season would be an easy run – not. From Bloomies (Bloomingdales), to Saks, to Zara’s, I could not find a long, evening red dress that did not make me look like my grandma. Finally, I caved in and went to Macy’s. Even though I complain all the time about the craziness of the Macy’s on 34th street (the flagship store), one of the great things about this Macy’s is that it never fails to deliver. So there it was a sassy, opulent red satin dress; fitted, ruched around the bodice, and perfect. I gladly plunked down my card and hurried out.
The next day was Christmas Eve; I was super stoked, looking forward to an amazing evening. First, I made a stop at the Channel cosmetic counter for a makeover. Eyes were majorly smoked out, blush was subtle and lips were wrapped with a generous helping of Rouge Allure Velvet. If I dear say so, I looked stunning. I did lapse into 10 seconds of grand delusion, imagining myself to be a supermodel. Yeah Right.
At home, I took inventory of all that I had laid on my bed. Long red dress, lovely gold chandelier earrings, a chunky bracelet, sparkly gold shoes and a gold clutch. I was going to be the lady in “red and gold”. Still feeling a high, and in eager anticipation of what lay ahead, I could not sit still.
By 7p.mish though, my tune changed. I had not heard from Mr. L.A. and although, we hadn’t set a time, we had agreed to meet in the evening. 8p.m., 9p.m. then 11p.m…midnight. I stood in front of the mirror and washed off all that sultry Channel makeup and conceded the unthinkable. He stood me up! Alas, that was how my Christmas Eve dissolved from a high to a low-low. How was yours?
And so, the sassy red dress still hangs atop my bedroom door, the gift wrapped parfum and accompanying silk tie in tow. Mr. L.A. has not called or returned any of my messages. I’m still in recovery mode…
Wondering who this Mr. L.A. is? Read my previous “Cat and Mouse” post.
until next time … Happy Holidays! Flow Eezy, Flow with love [divider] Single in the City is a weekly feature exploring the random musings and weekly escapades of a single black girl in the city. Call me Flow Eezy, an eternal hopeful, a perpetual believer that maybe, just maybe, I could meet that guy: Smart, funny, articulate and principled. I wonder if I am a member of a dying breed, in this age of the booty call. As we meander through these post-recessionary times, one thing is clear; dating in New York is hard. And harder when you have values, never mind morals. But I am holding out! I’m not perfect, far from it… [divider] [fancy_link link=”” variation=”teal” target=”blank”]PREVIOUS “SINGLE IN THE CITY” POSTS…[/fancy_link] [divider]
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