Recently we announced that when we get to 5000 followers on Instagram, we’d start giving away free stuff. Well, we’ve surpassed that goal and excited to bring back our TGIM (Thank God It’s Monday) giveaways! This week, we have two of the cutest clutches from Wild Peace Organics for you to choose from. Completely natural and handmade from Portland, Oregon, the items from the Wild Peace Organics esty shop can be that perfect little gift for your bridesmaids or for yourself. We had the pleasure of interviewing the founder, Ying Knipe.
When and how did you get started with your business?
It all started with a ring pillow I made for a dear friend’s wedding (similar:

What are the best selling items in your shop?
My bridal customers are simply amazing! Because of their support, the best selling items are my ring pillows and bridal clutch, seen at
When I’m not working on my shop, I’m a middle school language arts teacher and an observer of all of the social wonders of adolescence.
Although I am the maker, WildPeace Organics is a community of friends and family who lend their talents, advice, and support to make it happen. This is a business model I’m both proud of and humbled by.
Fun Stuff…
What’s in your handbag right now? Oh dear; good question. Wallet, classroom keys, Fresh Sugar lip treatment (my fav), gift certificates to Salt & Straw (a favorite local Portland ice cream shop) for my classroom volunteers, doggy bags for my black lab Otis, and paint chip samples to use as color inspiration for my work.
iphone, blackberry or android? iPhone – I’m addicted to all the camera apps available out there.
If you could travel to any location right now, where would it be? Ko Samui, Thailand because of the breath taking beaches. I’m planning a trip with the mister for next June.
Favorite thing to do? Sitting on the back deck, enjoying a slow cup of coffee while lounging under the tree canopy.
Guilty pleasure? Pinterest! You can follow me at
Make sure to visit Ying’s esty shop and show her some love!
Giveaway Instructions
Enter the contest using your Instagram account.
- Follow @munaluchibride (if you’re not already)
- Repost this photo and “tag” @munaluchibride
- Use hashtag #wildpeacelove and tell us which clutch you love most
- That’s it!
- One lucky winner will be randomly selected at the end of the week.
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TGIM Giveaway – Win a Clutch From Wild Peace Organics #giveaway #tgim #win #freestuff